Collection: Fiber and Handmade Yarn

This collection contains washed and clean fiber.  Mostly wool, alpaca and other protein fibers locally sourced.   Hand dyed using both natural and acid dyes. Come in raw locks, prepared batts, rolags and roving.

One of the most sustainable materials known to man is animal fiber.  The animals are not harmed in the collection of the fiber, it is either shorn, brushed or rued off.  Fiber is taken from its raw state and processed down to yarn of various width and lengths. There is nothing as magical as knitting or crocheting with hand spun.

The multimedia yarns are made with fabric scraps (no fabric/fiber) left behind. Most of the fabric was left overs from quilts created by the quilt guild for the community.  I strive to keep as much out of the landfills as possible.